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Waste and Recycling

Dog Fouling Bags

The Parish Council will be reducing their limit of poo bags supplied free of charge to dog walkers in Wistow.

Published: 29 March 2024

two brown and white dogs running dirt road during daytime

Wistow Parish Council have and will continue to supply the village with poo bags which are located in key areas for dog walkers to use. However, recent events have shown that unfortunately the poo bags are being used daily instead of in an emergency, which is an additional expense to the Council which could fund other areas for the community.

Wistow Parish Council has been supplying the village with 500 poo bags which are only lasting roughly 3-4 months.

Wistow Parish Council confirms that they will only be supplying the village with 500 poo bags per year.

Dog fouling is not only deeply unpleasant, it is dangerous. Whilst rare, contact with dog excrement can cause toxocariasis – a nasty infection that can lead to dizziness, nausea, asthma and even blindness or seizures.

Anyone who fails to clear up after their dog can be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice of up to £100. If the case goes to court this could cost the owner or person in charge of the animal up to £1,000.

The law states that being unaware a dog has fouled or not having a suitable bag is not a reasonable excuse.

We do thank the majority of dogs owners for taking responsibility and clearing up after their dog which helps support the community.

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