Have your say about the future of Huntingdonshire
Residents can share their thoughts and feelings about living in Huntingdonshire and what makes a good life; hear from others about the challenges and opportunities in our district, and help create a set of priorities for the future of Huntingdonshire.
Published: 23 July 2024
If you are one of the twenty people selected, you will receive a £50 voucher which is great timing for the summer holidays!
HDC are looking to develop their new Community Health and Wealth Building Strategy, and are looking for people from across Huntingdonshire to join them for a conversation. These conversations will begin in August, asthey explore answers to the question ‘What makes a good life in Huntingdonshire?’
More information is available on their website and people can register their interest in attending a session via this link.
The timings for the initial session are below, and HDC will use the most popular slots, and do not expect to run all of these sessions at this stage.
10th August 10-1
14th September 10-1
12th August 6.30-9
13th August 6.30-9
9th September 6.30-9
12th September 6.30-9