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Annual General Meeting
The Local Government Act states that every parish must hold an Annual Parish Meeting a year. This meeting must be held between 1st March and 1st June and proceedings must not begin before 6pm. The Agenda is a standard agenda, to give reports on the business of the last 12 months. The Parish Council reports to its electorate on its activities over the last year and there are usually reports from County and District Councillors and perhaps from any voluntary or local community group.
Annual Audits
An independent auditor is appointed to review its accounts, governance and financial and risk compliance. This involves an indepth check on payments, processes we follow when we spend public money, risk assessments, risk management, decision making, tendering, and public communication. After the Internal Audit, the Parish Council must submit financial information and the internal audit report to an external auditor for an Annual Audit. The current external auditor is PKF Littlejohn.
Full Council
The parish council usually meets on the last Tuesday of every month in the village hall on Manor Street from 7:30pm onwards. Dates of meetings can normally be found on the village notice board by the bus stop on Parsonage Street or via social media.Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
As required by law and in accordance with the Localism Act, a copy of the Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI) of the Parish Councillors is available here.